Redefining Entrepreneurship through Acquisition

HalBar’s Entrepreneurship through Acquisition thesis starts by finding the most experienced operators that have a discernible passion for the company that they will be leading.

Following the Path

A search fund is an entrepreneurial path undertaken by an individual (the “searcher”) who forms an investment vehicle with a small group of aligned investors in order to search for, acquire, and lead a privately held company.

Connecting with Visionaries

After ten years of experience investing in Search Funds for Novastone Capital, a Swiss-Based Single-Family Office, Christian Malek established the NCA program to partner with entrepreneurs in the search and acquisition of small to medium size enterprises.

The program later expanded to include HalBar Partners as part of a syndicate focused on portfolio investments in growing companies with strong leadership.

Meet the ETA Fund Team

Yuen Yung, Founding Partner

Nate Wasson

Chief Investment Officer & General Partner

Yuen Yung, Founding Partner

Yuen Yung

Head of Capital Formation & Operating Partner

Gary Cloudman

Gary Cloudman

Fund General Counsel & Operating Partner

Christian Malek

Christian Malek

Novastone Capital Advisors, ETA Strategic Partner

Naim Farah

Naim Farah

Bristol Reports,
ETA Strategic Partner

Jeff Egan

Jeff Egan

BTN Advisory,
ETA Strategic Advisor

 All content herein is provided for informational and discussion purposes only and is not a part of, and should not be construed as part of, any offer to sell or any solicitation of an offer to buy any limited partnership or other interest in an investment. For full legal disclosures, please click here.

© HalBar Partners, LLC